Smith's Smokery
Smith's Smokery
Sea Lane
PE22 8SD 
tel: 01754 820262
web: http://www.smithssmokery.co.uk/
Traditionally smoked food from the Lincolnshire fens, specialising in wild caught smoked eel.
Freshly caught crayfish, smoked cheese, smoked salmon, smoked mackerel.
A family run business that first started catching eels on the East Coast of England in the 1980s. In 2000 they began smoking eels and selling them locally on farmers markets. They now attend more farmers markets around the East Midlands and have added a wider range of products in addition to smoked eel which includes smoked salmon fillets, smoked trout, smoked mackerel, smoked chicken and smoked duck.
They naturally smoke all their products using traditional and sustainable methods. Newly, they now sell fresh boiled american signal crayfish.
submitted 26/05/2010
More Food Production Processing in Friskney near Boston -
Todays thought - Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day teach him to use the Net and he won't bother you for weeks.